Two weeks after my trip to Agra, this time I was heading to Uttarakhand - a land where my parents and their ancestors were born. The train in which I was traveling, a thought catches me and SWOOSH... I was thinking - how wonderful is this thought of realizing the universe working all around us.
Modern Science explains, since Big-Bang, the Universe or the Space as we know it continues to expand to till date. And with this expansion, the galaxies and our Solar System is entering further deep into the space. In this perspective, the planet on which we exist, is like a giant sphere that has water in 3/4 portion and land in one-fourth. And whether you live on North Pole or South Pole, or located on the Equator, you never fall-off the Earth into the space. There is water that flows and wind, that blows quietly. More to wonder, from Himalayas to Grand Canyon, it has all this much, of which you and I too are a part of - move, 24x7, with the moving of planet Earth in the space. And all this time, when I, you or anyone else eat, drink and sleep, or takes a train, or does anything; the laws and forces of this planet remains undisturbed, unperturbed. But at the same time, the planet itself goes more and more deeper into the space and travel unknown to its depths.
So, I was sitting in the train and I realize this one particular thing: when the whole eternity is moving in time, I am sitting in this train that runs on two parallel tracks and is considerably risky to derailment or meet with an accident especially when it's going so fast. Yet it never fall off-tracks unless any outside factors are involved.
At the same time, I ponder in awe - the Universe is expanding. We are entering deeper and deeper in the space and yet how sitting so quietly, unaware and untouched from any of this. Isn't it kind of scary and ingenious too, that we are constantly moving into the space and yet how unaware of it? That we are time traveling and yet how unknown to this? And at this point your eyes of wonder open. Every crap-natured thought we think of - i.e. ego, politics, race, religion, success or wealth - all sorts of things, disappear. Our differences disappear. Our arguments sink and appear dwarf. In that moment, I felt great of to be alive to see through this nature of truth.